Les interactions rurales et urbaines dans le site périurbain de Moribabugu (Mali)
hinterlands don't only reveal the complementarity and symbiotic character of rural and urban areas but also, the rural dimension of African town and the urban dimension of African countryside. The tendency is the spaces unification and the uncertainty of the
economical and sociological borders between towns and countries.
So, Moribubugu facing the urban life difficulties (housing shortage, pollution, anonymity development, insecurity increasing, etc.) and rural area difficulties (equipment and substructure lack) is elaborating another alternative. As most of Bamako suburbs, it's a holiday cottage in the country for a kind of social group who would live in the future in Bamako and it rehabilitates some of the urban outcasts.
Comment citer
BERIDOGO, B. (2015). Les interactions rurales et urbaines dans le site périurbain de Moribabugu (Mali). Recherches Africaines, (02). Consulté à l’adresse https://revues.ml/index.php/recherches/article/view/609