GEOGRAPHIE – DEMOGRAPHIE L'exploitation du bois énergie, une stratégie de survie à Meskine Baguirmi (sud-est de N'djamena au Tchad)


  • Médard Lieugomg
  • Idriss Abdelkérim Foudoussia


Like all other sahelian countries, Chad has for several centuries been witnessing a series of aggressive phenomena due partly to population explosion and partly to natural crises and the development of poverty. In fact, the droughts of 1973 and 1984; the civil wars of 1979,1982
and 2000, the devaluation of the Franc CFA and the Structural Adjustment Programs imposed by the Bretton Woods Institutes have all exacerbated poverty in the chadian society. This condition of poverty has forced a greater part of the population to develop survival
mechanisms. As a result, some Chadian have invested in the exploitation and sale of woodenergy (fire wood, charcoal, etc). This commodity is highly demanded because Chadian families'low incomes do not enable them to satisfy their needs. They cannot buy a bottle of
cooking gaz, even it has received state subvention. If this commercial activity enables some to survive, others to hoard money, it has enormous negative consequences on this fragile zone.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Médard Lieugomg

Chargé de Cours au Département de Géographie, Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, B.P. 454 Université de Ngaoundéré, République du Cameroun.


Comment citer

Lieugomg, M., & Foudoussia, I. A. (2020). GEOGRAPHIE – DEMOGRAPHIE L’exploitation du bois énergie, une stratégie de survie à Meskine Baguirmi (sud-est de N’djamena au Tchad). Recherches Africaines, (04). Consulté à l’adresse


