Côte d'Ivoire : aux origines d'une crise


  • Cheik C. CISSE


Of this article we are going to show, to the detour, the history of the creation; of the state, Ivory Coast, the ethnic - cultural identity management that participated a certain manner in to sit, of the authority of a man and its ethnic group (Akan) and from
it ties, woven to return the management of the country to it's perspective. If in term of representation, the approach made emulators, it won't linger to show its limits to the test of the decrease of the course of exportation of its cultures and the desire of
democratisation of African regime. Certainly, the Ivory Coast growth is the girl of the speech preferential nationalities, that is the ivoirité. Because, it didn't wait for the crisis of the decade 1990's to have pawn on the street, but sat on to interstices of the gouvernementalité, to foucauldienne sense of the term, houphouétistes and its continuations (ethnic, regional and North/South). However, if the political system
democratization and the inheritance of the father of the independence constitute the setting of analysis of it, the first part is about the diversity and the complexity of the ethnic geopolitics and the political cleverness of Houphouët Boigny through practices of actors and stakes that draw himself. There, we kept the west africanisation of the
country, which explains him by the border tracings and the economic system instructed by the colonist. In the second left, it was question of the speech trajectory on the ivoirité, speech that sediment and reinforces the disparagement of the others (that is the Ivory Coast of the North) and by ricochet all populations malinkophoneses of the
adjacent countries of the North. In sum, it remains a question in this text, of the dynamic interactivity between different modes of intervention, operating on the contradictory registers in the shape
and in the bottom with regards to the political power. The present situation contributes to an understanding of logics that plays him of it. In the management of taking part interests in processes of reform and advent of the Ivory Coast, and constitutes the best grid of reading of it in term of modernity.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Cheik C. CISSE

Université de Bamako, Faculté des Lettres, Langues, Arts et Sciences Humaines
(FLASH), Département Histoire - archéologie, histoire contemporaine, BP 241,


Comment citer

CISSE, C. C. (2020). Côte d’Ivoire : aux origines d’une crise. Recherches Africaines, (03). Consulté à l’adresse https://revues.ml/index.php/recherches/article/view/637


