Factors influencing performance indicators at pediatrics'URENI of teaching hospital Gabriel Touré


  • H Diall
  • A Dembélé
  • YI Touré
  • B Maïga
  • ME Cissé
  • AK Doumbia
  • O Coulibaly
  • P Togo
  • K Sacko
  • D Konaté
  • AA Diakité
  • M Sylla
  • F Dicko
  • B Togo
  • I Traoré
  • A Touré
  • A Doumbia
  • YA Coulibaly
  • LB Maïga
  • T Sanogo
  • I Cissé




Indicators, Performance, INRU, Children(under 5 years), Bamako


Introduction: In Mali, Intensive nutritional recovery and education units have been established throughout the country and the pediatric unit of Gabriel Touré Teaching Hospital started in May 2010. The objective was to analyze the factors influencing the performance indicators at the Intensive nutritional recovery unit in the Pediatric of Gabriel Touré Teaching Hospital. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, it took place over a period of 6 months (June 1 to November 30, 2016). All severe malnourished children under 5 years of age were included. The parents or caregivers of these children as well as the staff of the Intensive nutritional recovery unit were asked about their opinions. Result: During the study period, 4724 children were hospitalized in the service. There were 259 cases of severe acute malnutrition with a frequency of 5.5%. The 12-23 month age group was the most represented with 44.79%. Sex ratio of 0.90. Patients were exclusively breastfed (76.06%) before 6 months of age and 36.68% had not benefited from supplement foods after 6 months. The most common reason for consultation was anorexia with 66.79% of cases. Muscle wasting was the most found sign on physical examination (66.79%). Marasmus was the most represented form of malnutrition (87.65%). The failure of the appetite test was the main complication of management with 42.86% of cases. The combination of milk F75 + F100 + PPN was used for management in 87.26% of cases. Treated successfully are 54.83%. We recorded 18.53% dropout. There was a statistically significant association between the treaties successfully and the father's occupation (OR = 2.7, p = 0.028). The association between death and complications was statistically significant (OR = 21.345, p = 0.001). There was a statistically significant association between treatment discontinuation and financial problems (OR = 3.037, p = 0.005). The death rate was 23.55%. Conclusion: The financial problems of the parents and the association of the complications (serious pathologies) constitute factors which influence considerably on the indicators of performance.



How to Cite

Diall H, Dembélé A, Touré Y, Maïga B, Cissé M, Doumbia A, Coulibaly O, Togo P, Sacko K, Konaté D, Diakité A, Sylla M, Dicko F, Togo B, Traoré I, Touré A, Doumbia A, Coulibaly Y, Maïga L, Sanogo T, Cissé I. Factors influencing performance indicators at pediatrics’URENI of teaching hospital Gabriel Touré . Mali Sante Publique [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(02):7-13. Available from: https://revues.ml/index.php/msp/article/view/1499



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