Health factors related to the growth of children aged 6 to 12 months in the Yirimadio health area in Mali
Children, Growth, Health factorsAbstract
Introduction :Stunting is a public health priority in Mali. The objective of this research is to determine the health factors related to child growth in the health area of Yirimadio. Methodology This was a case-control study with a ratio of 1:2 in favor of controls that took place in December 2020 in the health area of Yirimadio, health district of commune VI of Bamako, Mali. The target populations were stunted children (cases) and non-stunted children (controls), residing in the health area for at least 6 months and whose parents had agreed to participate. Data analysis was performed on R software, version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15). Logistic regression was performed. Results: Mothers of children with fewer than 4 prenatal visits (ANCs) had 1.49 times the risk of having stunted children than those with 4 or more ANCs (OR=1.49; CI [1; 2.22]). Children with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams had 4.54 times the risk of being stunted than those with a birth weight of 2500 grams or more (OR=4.54; CI [2.5; 8.33]). Correct vaccination of children according to the vaccination schedule (OR=1.01; CI [0.62; 1.62]) and deworming with albendazole (OR=1.03; CI [0.70; 1.51]) were not associated with their growth. Conclusion The factors identified in this study are modifiable and should be considered in the prevention of stunting.