Periodontal Manifestations in Pregnant Women : Study of 208 pregnancies at the CHU Gabriel Touré, Bamako

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Ousseynou Diawara
Boubacar Ba
A Niang
A Bocoum
E.D Tchonang Mani
Hapsa Koita
Youssouf Traore
Nani Mounkoro
Daniel T Coulibaly
Amadou Ingré Dolo
Mamadou Lamine Diombana


Aims: The aims of this study was to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of periodontal disease observed in pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the Department of Obstetric Gynecology CHU- Gabriel Touré of Bamako.

Materials and Methods: We realized a transverse, analytical study based on the observation of the periodontal status of pregnant women over 2 months (May-July 2013), 208 observations identified prenatally. Data were collected from medical records, entered and analyzed using SPSS 19.0 software.

Results: We included 189 cases (90, 90 %). The age group most affected was that of 20-29 years (52, 40 %) with a mean age of 26, 88 and extremes ranging from 10 to 45 years. Married women were represented, with 94, 70 % of the cases, they were multigravidae in 71, 00 % of cases. Housewives accounted for 40, 40 %. HIV positive women represented 14, 00 % of the sample. The CPITN index corresponding to the scaling was greater in patients, between 11 weeks and 41 weeks 'gestation.

Conclusion: This study shows the high frequency of periodontal disease in pregnant women, hence the importance of partnership between healths professional's reproduction and those of oral cavity.

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Comment citer
Diawara O, Ba B, Niang A, Bocoum A, Tchonang Mani E, Koita H, Traore Y, Mounkoro N, Coulibaly DT, Dolo AI, Diombana ML. Periodontal Manifestations in Pregnant Women : Study of 208 pregnancies at the CHU Gabriel Touré, Bamako. Rev Mali Infectiol Microbiol [Internet]. 29 avr. 2017 [cité 20 sept. 2024];(9). Disponible à:
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