Mal de Pott cervical révélé par une dysphagie: À propos d'un cas.
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Tuberculosis is endemic in our countries and multiple modes of revelation. The cervical Pott's disease is the rarest spinal location. Spinal cord compression, retropharyngeal and epidural abscess are serious complications that can engage the prognosis. We report a case of cervical Pott's disease revealed by dysphagia due to a retropharyngeal abscess in a patient of 34 years has been the victim of the oropharynx injury by a fish bone. This observation reveals one of the many facets of tuberculosis.
Keywords: Cervical Tuberculosis, Dysphagia, Fish boneRenseignements sur l'article
Comment citer
Kodio B, Cisse H, Eti E, Ouattara B, Koné Gbané M, Kouakou N’zué M. Mal de Pott cervical révélé par une dysphagie: À propos d’un cas. Rev Mali Infectiol Microbiol [Internet]. 12 déc. 2017 [cité 9 mars 2025];(10). Disponible à:
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