People living with AIDS, management in hospitalization in decentralized area in Senegal, example of the town of Thies

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ATD Lawson
S Diop Nyafouna
P Diousse
MM Diop
M Niang
BM Diop


Objectives: Our objective was to describe the socio-demographic, clinical, para-clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics of PHAs hospitalized at the Regional Hospital of Thiès.

Patients and methods:

This is a retrospective descriptive study from the files of patients hospitalized at the regional hospital of Thiès from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2015. The data were entered and analyzed using Epi info 3.5.4.


We have collected 101 positive HIV patients. The sex ratio M / F was 0.56 and the average age of patients 43 years ± 10.5 with extremes of 15 and 78 years. Almost all of our patients resided in the region of Thiès (82.3%).

In the majority of cases, the serological status of the patients was known before hospitalization (78.2%) and 71.9% of patients were in severe immunosuppression (CD4 <200 / mm3). Slightly more than half, or 53.5%, were already on HAART before admission.

The main causes of hospitalization found in our patients were opportunistic infections, mainly tuberculosis, which was also the leading cause of death. Other causes of hospitalization were cerebral toxoplasmosis (9 cases), candidiasis (3 cases). Undernutrition was found in more than 50% of cases. The mean hospital stay was 15 days ± 9. Approximately two-thirds of patients (60.3%) had a hospital stay of less than 15 days.

Conclusion: In Senegal, the effective decentralization of the care of PHAs in the health districts of the country is effective. However, it should be stressed that opportunistic infections and conditions are still frequent causes of hospitalization and lead to significant morbidity and mortality.

Key Words: HIV Patient, Hospitalization, Thies

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Lawson A, Diop Nyafouna S, Diousse P, Diop M, Niang M, Diop B. People living with AIDS, management in hospitalization in decentralized area in Senegal, example of the town of Thies. Rev Mali Infectiol Microbiol [Internet]. 12 déc. 2017 [cité 9 mars 2025];(10). Disponible à:
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