
  • MAHAMAR ATTINO Institut de Pédagogie Universitaire, Bamako.


Urban sprawl; urban boundaries; Sprawl patterns; Monitoring; Measurement; Sustainable development.


This empirical study analyzes the spread over Wuhan city urban expansion from the current
decades (1990-2010) and specifically sheds light on its sprawl issue.
To give our study a concrete form, we need specific materials for monitoring the sprawling
phenomenon in this Chinese middle size city, and its consequences on the future for a well
sustainable development.Finally, the result we want to reach is to obtain the impact of several
and main features of spreading over the core city of Wuhan, and by the same token, indicate
its future urban boundaries. The reason is that urban growth control is a great duty for local
authorities for offering a good lifestyle to every urban dweller. Inpractice, control and management of sprawl have relied on programs to regulate land uses and the timing of growth through
mechanisms such as comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and smart growth strategies (J.
K. Lein, 2003).But urban expansion is different from urban sprawl, because sprawling is just a
form of urban expansion. Nowadays, a broader consensus likely appears on that urban sprawl
is recognized as a rapid and uncoordinated growth at the urban fringe. Several types of sprawl
were identified in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration (WUA), such as continuous suburban growth,
linear\ribbondevelopment, andscattered development\leapfrog development.
To measure the sprawl pattern of this city we use qualitative and quantitative methods for our
inquiry. This study challenges decision makers of Wuhan to take in consideration the current
increase of urban sprawl, in order to control it. This is because urban sprawl varies in degrees
between the developed and the developing world and consequently they have different consequences (M. O.Alabi, 2009)
The main outcome of this study is to track the outward expansion and its sprawling urban pattern for better understanding its social, economic, and environmental consequences. And to
analysis several challenges related to sprawl phenomenon in this mega-city. This paper aims to
establish a correlation between land-use and population density in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration (WUA).The availability of satellite remote sensing data has increased significantly in the
last two decades, and these data constitute a useful data source for mapping the composition of
urban settings and analyzing changes over time (Jorge E.P, Juan C.D, 2012).



How to Cite

ATTINO, M. “CHALLENGES POSED BY URBAN SPRAWL PATTERN IN WUHAN/CHINA (1990-2010)1”. Revue Malienne De Langues Et De Littératures, no. 002, Mar. 2019, pp. 110-24,


