Cervical-facial adenopathies in Odonto-stomatology: Study of 82 observations

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Boubacar Ba
Issa Konaté
Drissa Goita
Abdoulaye Kassambara
A Toure
Hapsa Koita
Amadou D Coulibaly
M Ba
S Gueye
K Keita
TD Thera
sounkalo Dao


Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the etiological profile of patients with cervical lymphadenopathy in relation to tuberculosis in our practice Odonto-stomatologique.

Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study over a period of four years at the University Hospital of Stomatology Odonto (CHU OS) Bamako. The successive cases of cervical lymphadenopathy of tuberculous origin confirmed by skin test (TST) to tuberculin 10 units or lymph node biopsy for histological referred. Data were collected from medical records and entered and analyzed with the software Epiinfo.fr 6.0

Results: The lesions involved 82 patients including 37 men (45.1%) with a sex ratio of 1.21. The age group most represented was that of 20 and 29 years (28%).
The anatomic region was privileged bilateral cervical (57.30%).Our patients underwent chest radiography in 90.20% of cases. The IDR was performed in 72% of patients and tuberculous lymphadenitis and follicular caseo was found in 8.50% of cases.

Conclusion: Our study revealed a prevalence of 0.31% of cervical-facial adenopathies of which 80.50% was tuberculous. In the case of tuberculous endemic tuberculous adenopathy, an IDRT and anatomopathological examination of the lymph node biopsy should be systematic for the early management of tuberculosis

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How to Cite
Ba B, Konaté I, Goita D, Kassambara A, Toure A, Koita H, Coulibaly AD, Ba M, Gueye S, Keita K, Thera T, Dao sounkalo. Cervical-facial adenopathies in Odonto-stomatology: Study of 82 observations. Rev Mali Infectiol Microbiol [Internet]. 2017 Apr. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 27];(9). Available from: https://revues.ml/index.php/remim/article/view/928